Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is almost like character in a movie, a character almost to ‘good’ to be true. He appears to be a custom made adversary for the United States. Is he a creation of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)? Does the SCO seek to further entangle us in the Middle East? If it’s true that this is their goal, we seem to be ready and willing to take the bait.
The little known SCO, formed in 2001 as a successor of the Shanghai Five (created in 1996), is much like NATO and includes primarily our traditional adversaries, Russia and China, but other countries are members as well. Currently in addition to Russia and China, the SCO is made up of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. With observer nations being Pakistan, India, Iran and Mongolia. They conduct joint military operations and hold meetings to further their economic and social interests in the region and the world. Note that Iran is a member with observer status but has a strong desire to become a full member.
Russia has the goal of rebuilding the old Soviet Union and reviving the superpower status that it once had. China wants Taiwan back and by the appearance of the Olympic opening ceremonies, seems to be desperate to impress the world. The problem with these goals is the US and NATO. If the SCO is playing chess with the world, they may be using Iran as a diversion for us to focus our military resources in the Middle East, allowing them to implement their grand schemes of increasing or rebuilding their empires. The payback for Iran would be SCO membership and perhaps the role of dominant player in the Middle East.
If they are able to get us, the US, further entangled in the Middle East with Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan, we will not be in a position to prevent any such moves. With the Olympics winding down, there is nothing left in the way of China’s goals in Taiwan, except the US and NATO of course. What are the next moves for Russia, China and the rest of the SCO?
Since the time of the formation of the SCO in 1996, China and Russia have been devoted to building and modernizing their military forces. These efforts have produced much success particularly in the areas of high tech assaults. Anyone who runs a website knows that the Chinese and Russian military mount an almost constant barrage of cyber-attacks against all computers around the world, searching for vulnerabilities. The Chinese are focusing much attention on building the capability of launching attacks on satellites as well. The capability of taking out satellite networks is of particular concern for the US. Our military has grown increasingly dependent on satellites in the battlefield.
The success of the military buildup in China is due mostly to the funding provided by consumers of Chinese goods in the United States. We have been more than willing consumers of Chinese goods even with the knowledge that the profits are going directly into the build-up of a strong military machine directed at the US. This funding continues, but at a slower pace now that the US economy has begun to fail, which may be part of the grand scheme as well. The military might of the US exists because of our once strong economy. It takes money to build a military machine as capable as ours and our adversaries know it. Any successful assault on us would require an attack on our economy as well.
In recent years China, Russia, and Iran have all taken steps that led up to the decreased value of the US dollar. Not that our own spending policies have not contributed as well. With our financial crisis in full bloom in the US, China and Russia appear to be experiencing booming economies. Is our defeat on the economic front already in progress?
Will World War III be the first way fought without any direct conflict? Will the SCO succeed in defeating the US without ever firing a shot directly at us? It’s possible, as our military might is spread thin and deteriorating, Russia and China are increasing their power and influence, militarily and economically. They are experiencing success with such ease due to our shortsightedness and possibly the willing participation of corporations and politicians that have sold us out.
If it does come down to a fighting war with SCO members, China and Russia, we will be in serious trouble. It won’t be a ‘walk in the park’ as we have experienced with Iraq and Afghanistan. If it happens, it may be the end of us (US) or possibly even the end of the entire world. It is in the best interest of SCO to take us down step-by-step one peg at a time, which is what they seem to be doing. Success for them seems inevitable as we seem to be powerless or unwilling to stop it. Will this be our future? Is this the New World Order? Only time will tell, but we may not have to wait long to find out.
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سید سلمان حسینی تاریخ : یکشنبه 89/8/9